Meta-analysis of correlations in R

In this video I give a general introduction to meta-analysis of correlations in R, using the metafor and metaviz packages.

This series is also supported by a practical guide:


Introduction [go to section].

  1. Introduction [go to section].

    1.1 What is a meta-analysis [go to section]

    1.2 Publication bias [go to section]

  2. Database [go to section]

    2.1 Structure for metafor [go to section]

    2.2 Pearson’s r to Fisher’s z [go to section]

  3. Meta-analysis [go to section]

    3.1 Interpretation of results [go to section]

    3.2 Diagnosis of influence [go to section]

    3.3 Forest plot [go to section]

    3.4 Funnel plot [go to section]

Conclusions [go to section]

Papers cited in this video:

Molloy, G., O’Carroll, R., & Ferguson, E. (2014). Conscientiousness and Medication Adherence: A Meta-analysis. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 47(1), 92-101.

Juan David Leongómez
Juan David Leongómez
Associate Professor

My research interests include mate choice and human vocal communication, with an aspiration towards understanding musicality. I am also interested in bioacoustics and psychoacoustics, as well as statistics and  programming.
