Origen de la música

Musicality in human vocal communication: An evolutionary perspective

Studies show that specific vocal modulations, akin to those of infant-directed speech and perhaps music, play a role in communicating intentions and mental states during human social interaction. Based on this, we propose a model for the evolution of …

Contextual musicality: Vocal modulation and its perception in human social interactions

Music and language are both deeply rooted in our biology, but scientists have given far more attention to the neurological, biological and evolutionary roots of language than those of music. Because of this, and probably partially due to this, the …

El origen no humano de la música

Si la música tiene un origen cultural -como suele asumirse- ¿cómo puede explicarse su universalidad? Este artículo parte de este problema para plantear la hipótesis de que el fenómeno musical tenga un origen anterior al hombre moderno, o incluso …