
Is digit ratio (2D:4D) different between sexual and non-sexual offenders, and non-offending men? Study of a Colombian sample [Existen diferencias en la ratio 2D:4D entre delincuentes sexuales y no sexuales, y hombres no delincuentes? Un estudio en una muestra colombiana]

Una de las líneas de investigación de la conducta criminal estudia la relación 2D:4D como predictor de agresión y comportamiento violento, dada la conexión de este marcador biológico con la influencia de la testosterona en la organización del cerebro …

No relation between digit ratio (2D:4D) and visual attention patterns to sexually preferred and non-preferred stimuli

Digit ratio (2D:4D) is a marker of prenatal androgenic exposure that is correlated with different behaviour patterns. Here, we explore the relationship between 2D:4D ratio and early versus late attention to sexually preferred stimuli using an …

Digit ratio (2D:4D) predicts facial, but not voice or body odour, attractiveness in men

There is growing evidence that human second-to-fourth digit ratio (or 2D:4D) is related to facial features involved in attractiveness, mediated by in utero hormonal effects. The present study extends the investigation to other phenotypic, …