Human evolution

Distinctiveness and femininity, rather than symmetry and masculinity, affect facial attractiveness across the world

Studies investigating facial attractiveness in humans have frequently been limited to studying the effect of individual morphological factors in isolation from other facial shape components in the same population. In this study, we go beyond this …

How and why patterns of sexual dimorphism in human faces vary across the world

Sexual selection, including mate choice and intrasexual competition, is responsible for the evolution of some of the most elaborated and sexually dimorphic traits in animals. Although there is sexual dimorphism in the shape of human faces, it is not …

El origen no humano de la música

Si la música tiene un origen cultural -como suele asumirse- ¿cómo puede explicarse su universalidad? Este artículo parte de este problema para plantear la hipótesis de que el fenómeno musical tenga un origen anterior al hombre moderno, o incluso …