Resource availability and experiences of partner violence shape facial masculinity preferences in women

Women’s preferences for facial masculinity in men are influenced by individual and socio-contextual factors that allow them to balance costs-benefits in pursuit of their well-being. This study examined how Colombian women's preferences for …

I see sick people: Beliefs about sensory detection of infectious disease are largely consistent across cultures

Identifying interpersonal disease threats is critical for effectively tracking and defending against infection. People hold lay beliefs about the types of sensory information that are most relevant for identifying whether others are sick with …

Does singing enhance cooperation more than speaking does? A global experimental Stage 1 Registered Report

The evolution of music, language, and cooperation have been debated since before Darwin. The social bonding hypothesis proposes that these phenomena may be interlinked: musicality may have facilitated the evolution of group cooperation beyond the …

Cross-cultural relationships between music, emotion, and visual imagery: A comparative study of Iran, Canada, and Japan [Stage 1 Registered Report]

Many people experience emotions and visual imagery while listening to music. Previous research has identified cross-modal associations between musical and visual features as well as cross-cultural links between music and emotion and between music and …

Trait sexual desire‑linked subjective sexual arousal to erotic and non‑erotic stimuli: Gender, relationship status, and gender‑specificity

Identifying interpersonal disease threats is critical for effectively tracking and defending against infection. People hold lay beliefs about the types of sensory information that are most relevant for identifying whether others are sick with …

Meta-análisis de correlaciones y meta-regresión en R: Guía práctica [Meta-analysis of correlations and meta-regression in R: A Practical Guide]

Meta-analysis is a widely used method to synthesise data from different studies. However, students, practitioners and researchers often lack the practical knowledge to perform and interpret a meta-analysis. This guide presents a variety of tools for …

Análisis de poder estadístico y cálculo de tamaño de muestra en R: Guía práctica [Statistical Power Analysis and Sample Size Calculation in R: Practical Guide]

Esta guía práctica acompaña la serie de videos [Poder estadístico y tamaño de muestra en *R*](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHk7UNt35ccVdyHqnQ6oXVYA6JBNFrE1x), de mi canal de YouTube [Investigación …